Saturday, September 15, 2007

Simply Vera

While sitting at my desk struggling over what to write about in this weeks blog I happened across an episode of Oprah featuring none other than Mrs. Vera Wang herself. For those of you not in the know our class (that this blog is for) has decided to track the success of Vera's line for Kohl's "Simply Vera" that just launched. So I stopped and watched the show, in which Vera and Oprah discussed her new line and there was even a mini runway show of the simply Vera line. When we first talked about the line in class I was pretty much convinced that it was going to fail because who really wants to spend 100+ dollars on clothes that come from kohl's? However I have been rethinking my stance lately. I want Vera to be successful, really I do, she is a wonderful designer and very talented with an eye for style (aside of course for those awful leggings she always wears). And now that the line has been features on Oprah I think it has a much greater chance for success because lets face it Oprah has a often frightening power over the women of America, remember whenshe almost single handedly destroyed the texes cattle industry? Well Oprah's aduince is exactly the audience that Kohl's is targeting with this line. Women who already shop at kohl's for their family's and their homes can now go to Kohl's and buy a coat that Oprah loves. And we know that Oprah loves it because she wears the coat in the November issue of O! magazine.
On the show Oprah asks Vera the questions that we really want to know, like why did she decide to do a line for Kohl's and what she wants to accomplish with it. Vera says that she wants to provide everyone with clothes that have good design and quality and that means people with less money than her usual clients. That the detail and style in these clothes are above and beyond what you would normally find for these prices. Oprah says she love it and it has its benefits over Vera's past lines because not only is it affordable but it is available to the masses, the line carries more sizes and more versatile pieces that can be worn many ways. I really think that Vera has a greater possibility for success with this line now that she has been on Oprah's show and I know that I am now rooting for her to do well with this.

~Rachel dillard

1 comment:

Professor Sanghvi said...

lets wait and watch if the consumers bite.