Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Political Campaigns

The ad featured above was taken from You-Tube. It is a political commercial that parodies the Apple 1984 "think smarter" super-bowl commercial with Hilary Clinton in the place of the "Big Brother". The 1984 commercial is one that we talked about in class because of the groundbreaking way they used advertising strategy. This is relevant because the you-tube commercial is a new and groundbreaking development in political campaigning. A man who worked for the ad company that is handling Obama’s campaign did this Commercial not for the campaign but on his own for you-tube. You-tube has changed the way we look at many things in our lives today, one of the major things that you-tube has effected is the upcoming Presidential election. CNN took questions from people who sent them in on you-tube. And now that the election is getting closer the candidates with large followings and very rabid fans are having un-official commercials put up on you-tube. I think that this election is going to be by far the most personal and close election in US history mostly because we now have you-tube where we can interact with the candidates through questions and get to know them in an entertaining way with you-tube commercials like this one that pull no punches and have no since of respect for the other candidates to hold them back. When candidates have commercials they sponsor they are very aware of how mud-slinging will make them look, but now they can have commercials made by fans that do not effect how the candidate looks because they did not approve of the ad, so the commercials can be attacks on other candidates.

~Rachel Dillard


dilly said...

Big picture of Hillary Clinton is scary. Do you think the candidates will still experience a residual negative effect due to the actions of people that support them?

Megan's Blogs said...

Honestly, no because people have either sided with a candidate or against them and once that choice is made it takes a lot more than some negative campaigning against their peers to change peoples minds. I mean thins commercial didn't make me think negatively abut Obama or Hilary simply because I know that it is not a official commercial and that my political affiliations should be based on issues important to me rather than the image of the candidates.