Saturday, December 8, 2007


RCS 362 has been one of my favorite CRS classes i have taken so far. I feel confident that i will be able to actually apply what i have learned in class. I really enjoyed the class discussions which helped illustrate how what we learned can be used in the real world. Most teacher just read off of power points and want us to memorize terms, it was a relief to get a change in teachering styles. This class really kept my attention and i always wanted to come to class. Unlike many of my other classes i actually shared what i learned with my friends and family. Many of them have seen almost every ad we watched in class. Over all i thoroughly enjoyed this class.


In class we talked about how some companies save all of their money and only air commercials during holidays. I never really noticed this until after we talked about it. In the past week i have seen probably a dozen Big Lots commercials, i do not remember seeing these any other time. I have also seen a ton of Kmart commercials. Both of these commercial talk about the holidays and buying your gifts there. I think this is good because i never think to shop at either of these two stores. I have also seen the same Lindtt commercial at least twice an hour. I Have also seen several other chocolate and perfume commercials.


I was watching a show last night that was nomitating celebrties for their Train Wreck of the yeah award. This made me think of the class where we talked about if all PR is good PR. I think this depends on the person. Yes all PR is good in the sense that it gets your name out. Sometimes I wonder if celebrities only act out to get their name out. Maybe if Brittany moved out of the spotlight of the news and paparazzi she might be able to turn things around. Or would she even be this bad of a mother if she wasnt famous. Sometimes i think that "All PR is good PR" just encourges celebrities to act out. ALthought i was surprised that on the show they pointed out and congraulated the celebrties that were working to turn their lives around.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Political Campaigns

The ad featured above was taken from You-Tube. It is a political commercial that parodies the Apple 1984 "think smarter" super-bowl commercial with Hilary Clinton in the place of the "Big Brother". The 1984 commercial is one that we talked about in class because of the groundbreaking way they used advertising strategy. This is relevant because the you-tube commercial is a new and groundbreaking development in political campaigning. A man who worked for the ad company that is handling Obama’s campaign did this Commercial not for the campaign but on his own for you-tube. You-tube has changed the way we look at many things in our lives today, one of the major things that you-tube has effected is the upcoming Presidential election. CNN took questions from people who sent them in on you-tube. And now that the election is getting closer the candidates with large followings and very rabid fans are having un-official commercials put up on you-tube. I think that this election is going to be by far the most personal and close election in US history mostly because we now have you-tube where we can interact with the candidates through questions and get to know them in an entertaining way with you-tube commercials like this one that pull no punches and have no since of respect for the other candidates to hold them back. When candidates have commercials they sponsor they are very aware of how mud-slinging will make them look, but now they can have commercials made by fans that do not effect how the candidate looks because they did not approve of the ad, so the commercials can be attacks on other candidates.

~Rachel Dillard

Friday, November 30, 2007

NEWS New York Times and BBC

Normally i do not watch the news or read it. When i do read the news i go to the site for the news channel i grew up on WRAL. Even then the only news i read is under the strange news section. One thing that i noticed that both the New York Times and BBC have in common is the news on the front pant. The majority of their news is focused on the war and other tragic events. People say that young people today do not care about whats going on it the world. I think it is more that people are getting tired of hearing about everything bad. After all this is only going to make people depressed and no one wants that. I think if news channels and papers talked about positive things as much as they did the negative more people would read and watch it.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Here is the website to an advertising campaign that I think it brilliant. We live in a time where everyone feels rushed and like they don't have enough hours in the day. Sprint comes up with this whole start calling for free at 7pm instead of 9pm and it will save however many hours from your life. Then to increase the interest level and make this more relevant they create which shows you in funny instructional videos clever ways to say time doing things you may or may not do everyday. This is an interactive way to get people thinking positively about your product. They are offering a service instead of just asking you to buy their product.

~Rachel Dillard

I know that this post might bother some of the Victoria's secret fans that are in this class, however I feel the need to say "really?" The amount of time and effort that goes into creating any commercial is significant. And with all of that time and effort the best VS could come up with is this annoying commercial?! I had to watch this commercial every fifteen minutes while I was watching my favorite TV show online. I had seen it before and been stuck by the fact that it was badly done but after having to hear it repeatedly over an hour I feel like this is the worst commercial I have ever seen. The commercial looks fine, but the fact that they had to try and make a cute little rhyme ruins it because they try and rhyme air with air. it sounds awful and makes them look stupid and like they think we are also. With all of the talented writers and creative minds that work in advertising today you really have to work to make people pay attention to your commercials. This could have been done a lot better if they had taken the time to write a dialogue about the bra and why it is different from other bras so that you would want to buy them. If I am going to take the time to watch your commercial (or be forced to) shouldn't you take the time to make sure that it is not incredibly annoying?

~Rachel Dillard